Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thing #2

I think just being able to search the web for any and everything has changed my professional practice. I believe blogging may boost it even more. I already use the promethean board, computers, and digital cameras to enhance learning in my classroom. Collaboration with other teachers is always a plus too. I had never even heard of such things when I was in school (oops, I might be telling my age a bit). I have an excitement about getting my parents involved once I start blogging. I would like to post items that they can consider or discuss with their child and then blog back to me. I have a lot of ideas in this area.

I do have a complaint about this article, as well as many other videos, etc. Whenever I attend a workshop (that is technology based) or view a video, it is always geared to older - 3rd grade and up - students. I teach kindergarten!!!! Would somebody out there find something for me, in the real world, that shows this type of thing being done at my level? I always have to "water" things down to make it fit the Kindergarten classroom. Remember that we don't always have the tools needed for many activities. We have laptops (when we schedule them), a computer lab - twice a week, a promethean board, and my favorite, digital cameras. I use these to the best of my ability but I am ready to do more.

1 comment:

  1. Some of the blog examples that you will find in later things are primary. You are ahead of the game, though, in that you are able to take something that you see targeted to 3rd grade and modify it for use with your students. It can be done and it sounds like you are doing it!
