Monday, October 5, 2009

Thing #4

I found that blogs are generally very relaxed and informal in writing. It's not an edited piece for others to judge, it's just opinions and communication, for the most part. They can be written by anyone of any age. You choose what you read or write about for that matter. It allows you to express yourself and even vent if you need to. I believe you can gain insight from others as you read what they have to say. In return, you can leave words of encouragement or your own experiences that might help someone else. As we blog, we read more and more about topics that interest us. Young learners develop a love for reading the more they do it. What better way to show them that reading can be fun than to let them blog to friends and read what their friend write back. They can share ideas as well as concerns and passions. I was very impressed with the second grade class that wrote about The Duck. They were not concerned with grammar or spelling. It was just a great activity and it got them to blog.

1 comment:

  1. I love how blogging is limitless...from assignments in the learning new things...or just merely keeping in touch with friends and family!

    The in-formalness is what makes it so appealing =)
